A comprehensive walk through the past. The history and contributions of breeding and showing poultry by the Lambert family.

Poultry breeding and showing poultry goes back four generations in the Lambert family. Frank and Anthonie are the two sons of the late Ernest Lambert who took this hobby further and continue to breed and show the Wyandotte breed.

Our grandfather, Frank was back in the year’s one of only a few Wyandotte breeders in South Africa who was well known to the poultry environment and enthusiasts of the 1950’s and 1960’s. Our father, Ernest Lambert showed Wyandotte’s and some other breeds such as Old English Game and Malay Game till the middle 1970’s where-after our dad concentrated on breeding his poultry to the book of standards.

The quality and standard of the poultry with specific reference to the Wyandotte and Old English Game breeds was proven, when Frank and Anthonie took up poultry showing in 1992, after our father sudden past away in 1991.

At that point in time Anthonie was 11 years old and Frank was 21 years. Frank was studying in Pretoria while Anthonie had the responsibility to care and feed the chickens while staying in Newcastle, Natal.

The years of cleaning cages, Carbodust chickens, vaccinate Newcastle and fowl pox and selecting breeding pens was carried over to the two boys and the big award came when the Lambert Brothers won the Best in Breed with their Silver Laced Wyandotte Cock at the SASPO Championship Show in 1994, held in Pietermaritzburg, KZN.

Since then several similar awards were achieved over the years.

The Lambert family not only showed and breed the known varieties such as the Silver Laced and Golden Laced Wyandotte’s but Ernest Lambert will be remembered as the founder of the large Blue Laced Gold Wyandotte variety. He started with this project in the mid 1980’s where-after Frank and Anthonie managed to show the Blue Laced Gold Wyandotte’s in the mid 1990’s.

The Lambert brothers also took the initiative further and breed new large varieties such as Blue Laced Silver, Koekoek and Lavender Laced. Variety projects currently under construction are Barred, Blue and Black.

Today the Lambert Brothers farm 20 poultry breeds to the standard of perfection, show most of the breeds and Frank is a member of the Southern African Poultry Association (SASPO) and Pretoria Poultry Club (PPC).

Frank also contributed to the show poultry environment by serving on the PPC Committee before been elected as Vice Chairman during 2012 and 2013 and then as PPC Chairman during 2014 and 2015.

The “Frankly Poultry” concept for this website was born firstly as an association with the name Frank but according to the dictionary, frankly means honest and to the point. Frankly, the Lambert Family strives to breed and show poultry that complies with the poultry book of standards and to sell good quality poultry stock to current and new poultry enthusiastic, breeders and hobbyists.